The Mind of a Teenager
May 1, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
What is going on inside that kid's brain?!?! I'm sure we've all thought that at one point or another. A recent article about this very subject tries (key word, TRIES) to shed light on what's actually going...
Sharpie Shock Challenge
April 24, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
Has your student come home with a black square on their arm from a Sharpie? Most likely they've been "shocking" themselves at school. The idea is to get a rush of adrenaline from shocking yourself using a...
How do I read the Bible?
April 17, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
How do I read the Bible??? This is a question that comes up with young kids, old adults, new believers, committed saints, educated, uneducated, readers, and non-readers. Even if your Bible doesn't look like...
FOMO - Fear Of Missing Out
April 10, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
Now that Spring Break has come and gone, most likely students have posted pictures of their trips. (And if your family wasn't "normal" and didn't take a trip, I'm sure your student let you know how deprived...
Youtube Videos
March 27, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
Last week the post was about what people your kids are following and watching. This week is about the type of videos they're watching. Some of the types of videos make you think, "people really watch this?"...