Youtube "Stars"
March 20, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
Last week we posted about how kids spend their time. Much of it (as much as 6 hours/day) is spent on their phones. Even if they don't yet have a phone, much of it is spent in front of a device...
How students spend their time
March 13, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
Do you ever wonder how your student spends most of their time? At what age do kids typically get phones? When they get them, what do they actually DO on their phones? This article answers a few of...
Parental Influence
March 6, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
A few weeks ago, I saw this article posted by a parent and thought it was interesting. The article is titled, "7 Ways Parents Push Their Kids Away from God Without Realizing It." I think the best line of...
Pre-teen slang
February 28, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
It's always difficult to keep up with slang students use because we aren't in their "world." But it always helps to at least have a general knowledge of what's going on in their...
Developmental Assets
February 21, 2016 | Calvin Bryant
There are obviously an infinite amount of external factors that help children grow up, but here are the top 40 (in the 12-18 age group) according to the Search Institute. The article not only provides the top...