All is well

December 23, 2020 | Ann Gamble

About the author: Ann Gamble and her husband, Jim, have been members of the ZPC community for 33 years. They are blessed to have their daughter, Jessica, and her family living in Indianapolis. Ann is a past Deacon, sings in the choir, and is involved in Home Groups, Soul Sisters Bible Study, Great Banquet and 2nd Half Adventurers.

SCRIPTURE: Isaiah 7:10-16

When Jerry challenged us to a daily 15 minute meditation for the Advent season, I was less than excited. My past attempts at this have been rather dismal to say the least. The reading of the scripture, the devotionals, and the journaling-now those I can do (I am a retired teacher/librarian after all!) But the minutes of “being still”…not so much. My mind wanders, I struggle with distractions, I can’t concentrate. It seemed impossible for me to just BE in the presence of God.

However, as I began this year’s Advent journey, I discovered that my attitude was different this time. Maybe it is because this Christmas season is less hectic, less busy, or less demanding of my time? Maybe it’s God’s perfect timing? Whatever the reason, I found myself looking forward to my early morning time with God. At first, I thought reading the same scripture for an entire week would be boring, but I have found that every day, I find something new that speaks to me. I often read other translations and even some commentaries to also give me a different perspective. I journal my thoughts from the ZPC devotionals, this week’s scripture, and also other scriptures which I have collected over the years. But the biggest change for me is that I am able to focus more on God and actually BE QUIET for a short period of time. I am a work in progress (baby steps!), but after three weeks, I can see that being still with God during my quiet time has helped me to focus on God more during the rest of the day. It has made me more aware of him, helped me to relax, relieved some anxiety; and I am praying more. God transformed my attitude and then began transforming me!

On Friday, we look forward to celebrating the birth of Jesus. But for many this Christmas season looks very different. We may not see our families; many activities have been cancelled; church services are more different than ever before; people are isolated. We may feel that all is not well in today’s world of uncertainty; that we are not feeling much love during this holiday season. But with the birth of Jesus, Our Lord and Savior, and his unconditional love for us, we can be assured that ALL IS WELL. Jesus’ love for us never changes, it never wavers, and he is always with us. Rejoice and live in the love of Jesus! Alleluia!!

Please enjoy this beautiful song, All Is Well, written & sung by Michael W Smith;  also featuring Carrie Underwood.

