Christ's hope is an achor

December 6, 2018 | Brad Bierwagen

Editor's Note

About the author: Brad Bierwagen grew up at ZPC and has been a member here since 1994. His wife Karyl joined the ZPC ranks in September. They have two daughters, age 9 and age 6. Brad and Karyl serve as ZPC Home Group leaders.

About this post: This blog post is part of a series of daily devotionals where we are exploring traditional Advent themes of hope, joy, peace, and love. To sign up to receive text notification of these posts, text zpc advent to 39970. Advent booklets are also available at the ZPC Welcome Center. We welcome your comments and questions each day.

TODAY'S SCRIPTURE: Philippians 1:12-18

Today’s scripture finds Paul in jail, and by any reasonable person’s assessment, he is in a tight spot. I’m not too proud to admit that in Paul’s circumstances I would be terrified for my life, worried about my mission, frustrated with my captors, frustrated with God, and probably generally 'hangry.’ Paul may have felt these things too, but he outwardly continues to seek the silver lining of the situation, repeatedly continuing to ‘rejoice.' From a cynical perspective, the passage almost reads as naive optimism from a person trying to justify their bad circumstances. 

In stories and movies hope most often surfaces when a hero is at the very brink of failure, and at the last minute a ray of light pierces through the dark to save the day. (This usually also signifies that whatever the struggle the hero is facing, it will soon be tidily wrapped up into a happy resolution). In our own lives we are usually most aware of hope when we have the contrast of hopelessness or suffering. It’s as if hope were a glow-in-the-dark toy, or headlights on a car, far less visible in times of light and most visible and impactful in the darkness.  

Jesus has a way of subverting our human expectations. He came to us not as a mighty king, but as a baby in a manger. He saved his people not with might and force, but instead with sacrifice. And hope in Christ, is more powerful and far less circumstantial than a 'light at the end of the tunnel.'

Christ’s hope has more in common with an anchor, or compass pointing to true north. It is a security and a confidence that comes from his love, a peace from which you can see the world differently. In Christ’s hope, the rules are changed, and victory has already been achieved.  Circumstances, whether dire or prosperous, cannot take away our salvation. Paul’s hope, I think, came from this place. Certainly his circumstances were difficult in this passage, and often were throughout the rest of his life. But God's hope is also what propelled him to share the the good news with so many people both when he was captured and when he didn’t find himself in jail. Regardless of circumstance, he was aware of God's hope and also had the the desire to share this hope with those around him.   


Take a moment to write down one or two things in your life that seem daunting, frustrating, or overwhelming. Also write down one or two things you are thankful for. Your circumstances may be very comfortable, or they may be more difficult than anyone around you realizes. Now take a moment to consider these circumstances in the context that you are saved by Jesus’ grace. That you have been bought by his love, victory has been achieved, and nothing can take that away.  Consider that you were made uniquely and beautifully by God.  Consider that you are given gifts that can be used for his kingdom. Do you feel hope? Hope is not naive, nor does it mean that negative circumstances will immediately go away. But my prayer is that, regardless of circumstance, you can and will feel his true hope today.  


God - you are truly Great. You are the maker of the heavens and earth, and yet you know every hair on my head, and every concern of my heart. Thank you for your grace, and your love. Lord I know you have a plan for me – and I trust you. Thank you for my blessings. Help me with my struggles. Help me feel your peace and hope today. Help me feel your hope regardless of circumstance, and to find ways share that hope with those around me.

