We are not afraid because he is not afraid

March 25, 2020 | Brian McCall

Editor's note

About the author: Brian and Cynthia are active members at ZPC and have 3 grown children: Zach, Jacob, and Hannah. Additionally, two new children have been added to their fold, Dhamar and Sophey. They are deeply thankful for the opportunity to worship and be in relationship with all of the people at ZPC; it is home for them.

About this post: We want to stay connected! This blog post is part of a series of daily devotionals for this season. Read them, share them, and pray that they bring God's peace and love to our communities. To sign up to receive text notification of these posts, text zpc to 39970. We welcome your comments and questions each day.


I felt a little guilty taking Psalm 23 for my verse to write on; I mean in this time of uncertainty this is the lowest hanging fruit, like it’s on the ground kinda low hanging fruit.

I heard a story once about a man who was in front of a judge for a minor infraction and he asked the judge to show him mercy because he had no prior run-ins with the law and he was a Christian. The weary and cynical judge said "Ok, if you are a Christian, recite the 23 Psalm and I will let you off.” The man stood up and proceeded to do a dramatic recitation of the beautiful and most famous Psalm that had the crowded and formerly noisy courtroom dead silent and mesmerized. 

When I heard that story I made it my mission to memorize it. Sometimes when I’m reciting it in my head I imagine myself in that courtroom making that bold declaration.

In this time of uncertainly we are reminded that God walks (not runs) with us through the Valley of the Shadow of Death. He’s got this and we are not afraid because he is not afraid.

But did you realize we are also reminded that: 

He makes us lie down in green pastures, 
He Leads us beside still waters, 
He Restores our soul,
He leads us on paths of righteousness,
He sets a table for us in front of our enemies,
He anoints our heads with oil,
He causes our cups to run over, 

And we can BOLDLY declare we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. NO MATTER WHAT!

If you don’t know this verse by heart yet, take a little time (which we all seem to have some extra of right now) and memorize it. 

And remember, we are not afraid because he is not afraid! Boldly declare these promises for yourself and fall in love with it like I have.


Heavenly Father,
In this time of worldwide uncertainty, overwhelm us with the certainty that you have us, that you are WALKING with us through this. Allow us to extend that peace and calm to others. In the online posts we make, in our socially distanced interactions in the stores, as we reach out to others that you have placed on our hearts, may we exude that peace- that conference that compels those people to look to you. Thank you for all you have given us and most of all thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus.
