Who we are and what we believe

Making disciples has been a vital part of the DNA of ZPC since its genesis. Our mission has always been  “Called together by God to make disciples and release them for service in our broken world.”

We seek to do this through providing a caring community to those within the walls of ZPC and also to extend that sense of care out into the world both near and far. We also value Christ-centered worship and study and seek to live out the teaching of scripture through hands on mission opportunities.

ZPC is a congregation who follows Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of God, and tries to live out his teachings in our everyday lives. We seek to be a humble congregation as we realize how flawed we are and a grateful congregation as we accept God’s redeeming gift in Jesus, who, though he was perfect, died to redeem each of us. In addition to this, here are some other ways we describe our beliefs. ZPC is a Reformed, Evangelical church within the Presbyterian Church (USA) denomination, that has been strengthened by being a part of The Fellowship Community.

So what does all this mean? 

  • All Christians agree in affirming the Trinity, which is one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Spirit, as well as the Incarnation that God became human in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.
  • The reformed theological tradition descends from Protestant reformers like John Calvin, John Knox and others. Among other distinctive features, Reformed theology emphasizes God’s love and sovereignty, election for salvation and service, covenant life, stewardship, the fallenness of humankind, and the preaching of the scriptures.
  • The Evangelical movement spans traditions and denominations and emphasizes personal trust in Jesus and his atoning sacrifice on the cross, interprets scripture more conservatively, and actively participates in engaging cultures to spread the gospel message of loving salvation for the redemption of all creation.
  • The Presbyterian Church (USA) is the largest of several Presbyterian denominations. It traces back to 1793 and is now headquartered in Louisville, KY. Its constitution has two parts: The Book of Confessions teaches what we believe and The Book of Order teaches how our church is organized.
  • The Fellowship Community is an order within PC (USA) that believes churches are to be built around a strong theological center. They express a commitment that the Church exists first and foremost to proclaim Jesus Christ in words and actions beyond its walls, and communicate a deep desire to share a life of discipline and prayer in covenant with other like-minded disciples within and beyond the PC(USA). The Fellowship also has a firm commitment to build “flourishing communities who make disciples of Jesus Christ,” which is exactly what ZPC strives to do!

Denominational FAQs

ZPC’s Session, which includes our two pastors, began discussion about joining The Fellowship in February of 2014 and became a member in April 2014. The Session cited The Fellowship’s mission of “building flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus;” its strong theological center; its covenantal nature; and the opportunity to affiliate with other likeminded, evangelical Presbyterian churches as primary motivations for ZPC joining.

Because the pastors and elders of ZPC are already committed to and engaged in living out the theology, mission, and ministry which the Fellowship encourages and nurtures, our congregation may not experience much change at all.There is an annual Fellowship membership fee of $250 per congregation. Some less obvious outcomes of our affiliation with the Fellowship are that it:

  • Reinforces and strengthens our missional emphases
  • Strengthen our relationships with and accountability to likeminded others—churches, pastors and leaders within and beyond PC(USA)
  • Required session to affirm the Covenant, a grateful response to God’s salvation and our commitment to personal spiritual practices and attitudes
  • Required session to affirm the Fellowship’s Essential Tenets, a distillation of the biblical theology articulated in the PC(USA)’s Book of Confessions.

Affiliating with the Fellowship strengthens our efforts as well as allows us to share what we are learning and doing with others more effectively. ZPC's mission partners well with the kinds of mission and ministry envisioned by the Fellowship. Affiliation also provides additional clarity about some of ZPC's theological positions, allowing us a helpful degree of differentiation from parts of the Presbyterian Church (USA) that we disagree with while retaining the benefits of our membership in PC(USA).

The mission of the The Fellowship is to build flourishing churches that make disciples of Jesus Christ. The Fellowship is a new association through which members can share ideas, ministry resources, and missional strategy. The Fellowship invites Presbyterians to affiliate in order to connect, grow, and pursue a common mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ while sharing a Presbyterian, Reformed, Evangelical heritage. Rather than being preoccupied by unfruitful theological disputes or church bureaucracy, the Fellowship seeks to help churches focus instead on actively pursuing mission and ministry.


Essential Tenets by the Fellowship
Book of Confessions
Book of Order


ZPC History

ZPC’s story begins in the early 1980s, when local Presbyterians felt led to establish a new congregation in the Zionsville area. Nineteen people attended the first organizational town meeting in the summer of 1982. Worship began in the cafeteria of the Zionsville Middle School in February of 1983, with 23 people attending. Rev. Glenn McDonald was called to be the organizing pastor shortly afterward. Property was purchased at the corner of Michigan Road and 116th Street, and the church began to grow. ZPC was chartered as a member congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in October 1984 with 143 members.

Construction of the first building (10,000 square feet) was completed in June of 1987, and 13,000 more square feet of education space was added in 1990. About this time, ZPC made a significant course change in ministry philosophy, choosing to give up “clergy-drivenness” and to empower lay people to do ministry. Small groups and ministry teams have been at the center of ZPC’s life ever since. Exploding growth in the mid-1990s called for more construction, and 42,000 more square feet, including our current Sanctuary, Gathering Space, and Gym. These were dedicated in 1997.

In 2011, Rev. McDonald, resigned and after an interim period, ZPC called Rev. Dr. Jerry Deck to lead us as our senior pastor in 2014.

ZPC has embraced the focus of bringing, equipping, and sending out disciples. Our essential mission is making disciples of Jesus, who share spiritual life, and are led by called and trained as lay leaders. Trusting the Spirit’s continued guidance and empowerment, we look forward to what God has in store for us in the future!