The leadership of ZPC consists of pastors, elders, and deacons. We follow the organizational structure prescribed by the Presbyterian Church (USA), which includes the pastors, Session, and Board of Deacons. In addition to our staff and ordained elders and deacons, many ministry leaders give their time and passion to lead, teach, and serve our members and our community.
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ZPC Session
The session is the governing board of a Presbyterian church made up of a group of women and men who are elected by the congregation to serve three-year terms as the overseers and policy-makers of a church. Areas of oversight include administration, personnel, missions, education, property, finances, evangelism, worship, and the spiritual development of members. The ZPC Session is comprised of called pastors [teaching elders] who are ordained Ministers of the Word and Sacrament of the Presbyterian Church [Rev Dr. Jerry Deck and Rev. Scott Shelton] and 12 lay church members who have been elected as ruling elders.
Our Session meets the first Tuesday of each month from 6:30–9 pm. Unless an Executive Session is called, these meetings are open to ZPC members and subject to the session's open meeting policy (PDF). Please read this policy prior to attending.
Questions, concerns, and communication from ZPCers are always welcome. Please use the link below to contact an individual session member or email the entire session at one time.
Session-related documents, including minutes, are available in the ZPC Library. Select documents are also available at the bottom of this page.
Elders Class of 2025

Karen has been a ZPC member since 1996. She's married to Clay Barnes and they have 2 adult daughters Gracie, and Christina, a Son-in-law Bryan Miller and a teenage son Noah. Karen says "ZPC is my church home and my spiritual family. I consider it an honor to do whatever small service I can to help our church thrive."
Karen's hobby includes spreading Joy! She loves making “sunshine” gift baskets with her friends to surprise people who need a little extra sunshine on a dreary day.

Greg has been a member at ZPC since 1997, he's married to Chris and they have two adult daughters Paige and Carley. Greg is the Deputy Chief of Administration, for the Whitestown Fire Department. He's been on countless mission trips to Mexico with Pastor Shelton and has a passion for ZPC mission partners.

Laura Nelson has been a ZPC member since 2012, she's married to Todd and they have two school age children, a son Bryce, and a daughter Jordan. Laura serves as a physician in Brownsburg her specialties are Internal Medicine and Pediatrics she attended Indiana University School of Medicine. Todd and Laura are active in the Great Banquet Community and have a passion for sharing the love of Christ with all they meet.

Samantha (“Sam”) Spencer and her husband, Steve, have been married for 15 years. They have three young children, Henry, David and Amelia (Millie). Sam and Steve both grew up in Zionsville and would be happy to discuss the best things to do in town.
After college, Sam served with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Indiana University and DePauw University. It was during this period she developed a particular fondness for studying scripture and mentoring others through this journey of faith. Fast forward: after additional schooling, new jobs, and new cities, she maintains much of the same passion. Five years ago, Sam and her family were happy to return to Zionsville and join the ZPC worshipping community. On Sunday mornings, you can find Sam volunteering with the Littles Ministry, negotiating donut quantity with her kids (one donut really is enough), or looking for a new family that is visiting ZPC. She looks forward to meeting you.
Fun fact: Sam loves to learn and would be a professional student should the opportunity ever present itself, but school ain’t cheap.
Elders Class of 2026

Sam and her husband Doug have been at ZPC since 2006. They have three children: Cora, Damon, and Bennett.
Sam says, "I was really led by some friends and fellow ZPC members toward serving as an elder. Many people prayerfully and intentionally encouraged me to be involved as an elder. ZPC and our church family have given so much to us, that I knew it was time to serve and give back!"
Sam's hidden talent: I love presidential trivia and biographies, and my friends love trying to find a question on the topic to stump me. When I was 5, I memorized the presidents in order from a ruler in my Subway kid’s meal, and enjoy saying them all in “under 15 seconds” as my kids say! My hobbies include tennis, singing, painting, and board games.

Scott and his wife Jenni have been at ZPC since 2002. They have four children: Emma, Kellen, Henry, and Brody.
Scott states he signed up to be an elder because he thought he could help.
Scott's hidden talent: annoying his friends and family. His hobbies include riding bikes and traveling.

Karyn has worshiped at ZPC since 1997. She is married to Steve Wendt and together they have 5 adult children: Abby (spouse Nick) Siegwarth, Cole Wendt, Alex Wendt, Molly Dzurisin, and Courtney Wendt.
Karyn states she wants to be an elder because or "her gratitude for ZPC and joy to serve our church family."
Karyn's hobbies are: pilates and tennis

Stacey has been a member at ZPC since 2006. She and her husband Matthew have two teenage children: a daughter, Sophia, and a son, Will.
Stacey says, "I chose to serve as an elder of ZPC because I believe this is something God is calling me to do so I may share the many blessings afforded to me with our broader church family and those in our community."
Stacey's Hobbies and Hidden Talent: My favorite hobbies are snow skiing with my family or going for a run on a crisp fall morning. My hidden talent is organizing. I love creating structure out of chaos.
Elders Class of 2027

Mike and his wife, Jennie, have heen members at ZPC since 2010. They have two adult children, Sara and Katie. Mike states he was surprised to be nominated for the position of elder, but feels good about making time to give back.
Hidden talent: Mike states he is the “unsolicited” rowing machine coach at the gym. "Having rowed in college it is difficult for me to observe people struggling with that equipment!"

Mark is a longtime ZPC member having grown up himself in the church from a young age. He and his wife Jennifer have children spanning across multiple stages/ages of the NextGen ministries and are actively involved in multiple discipleship ministries and the Worship Arts Ministry. His desire as an elder is to help others know the fullness of Christ and strengthen the Body through service. Beyond a love of scripture and apologetics, he is an avid distance runner and chess player.

Phil and his wife, Judy, have been at ZPC since 1999 when their kids came to VBS. Their two, now adult daughters, Kate and Megan, are married and live in Colorado. They also have two grandkids. They have been involved in a ZPC Home Group since 2005 and Phil has been involved with the ZPC Community Assistance Ministry since 2017.
Phil’s Hobbies: “Judy and I love most anything outdoors...hiking, bike riding, dog walking. Our 120 lb. puppy keeps us in good shape!”

Rachael and her husband, Griffin, have been part of ZPC since 2017. They live in Westfield with their three young boys, Hadrian, Silas, and Leland.
Rachael is a life-long artist who left her career as a photographer to stay home with her children. She is excited to use her creative gifts and passion for serving other young families as an elder at ZPC.
Rachael enjoys painting, writing, and gardening. She recently hosted a tour of her Indiana native plant landscaping with Hamilton County Tourism.
Select Session Documents
- Fellowship Community Values (PDF)
- ZPC Session Open Meeting Policy (PDF)
- ZPC Fundraising Policies (PDF)
- ZPC 2023 Financial Audit/Review (PDF)
ZPC Deacons
The ZPC Board of Deacons is a group that is ordained to provide hands-on care to our congregation and beyond through Deacon care teams. These teams serve as specialists in their respective areas, mobilizing others to help provide person-to-person care with a goal that every person will know the care and love of God.
Questions, concerns, and communication from ZPCers are always welcome. To email one of our Deacon Members, please use the link below to contact an individual Deacon or email the entire Deacon Board at one time.
Emily has been at ZPC since 2016. Along with her husband Ryan, they have three young boys; Lucas, Connor, and Graham. Emily chose to serve in the meals ministry because during times of excitement or grief, a warm meal from a friend goes a long way. She enjoys bringing care in the form of food to our church community. Her hidden talent is organization! Emily says, "I love to clean and organize! My kids know that donating the toys and clothes they have outgrow to the community gives me so much joy!" Lori lives in the Crooked Creek area and became a member of ZPC in 2019. She has past Deacon experience at a Presbyterian Church in Irving, TX. Lori enjoys studying the Word with Monday night Soul Sisters, and in her Home Group and likes to fellowship with the ZPC Second Half Adventurers. She serves with the Kairos and Torch ministries that brings the light of Christ into prisons. Lori helps with VBS and Daddy Daughter Dance at ZPC and looks forward to helping and serving ZPCers in the future through the connections team. Gracia-Jean and her husband Ed have two Darling elementary-age girls and have attended ZPC since 2014. She has been involved with VBS, MOPs, Soul Sisters, Great Banquet, choir and mission activities, including the family Kentucky Mission Trip. She loves spending time with family and friends. She is excited to serve others and help in different ways as a Deacon. Her hobbies include golf, family outings, music, and travel. Megan is wife to Jerry and mom to Shauny, Adelie, Wynnie, and Liesel. When she’s not brokering real estate transactions, she loves coffee, puzzles, new shoes, reading, traveling, and, much to her husband’s chagrin, listening to podcasts, which infiltrate most of her conversations. Cheryl has been at ZPC since 2018. She's married to Kent and they have 3 young adult children, Courtney, Kyle, and Haley. Cheryl chose to serve as a Deacon because she wanted to serve our church family while supporting our leaders, and to walk alongside those wishing to grow in their understanding of Jesus. The hobbies she loves are hiking and gardening. Her new hobby since COVID is yoga! Jenni has been at ZPC since 2002, she's married to Scott and they have 4 Kids, college age Emma, high schooler Kellen, and school age twins, Henry and Brody. She chose to serve in this role as she is a "doer," and being a deacon affords her opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus for our congregation and beyond. Her hidden talent is that she could beat nearly anyone at a hoola-hooping contest (regular hoola-hooping, none of that trick stuff). Melissa along with her husband Kevin have been a member of ZPC since 1995. Melissa is looking forward to being a Deacon because she enjoys serving people by showing love and concern for them during times in need. As a hobby Melissa enjoys oil painting, and has been taking a class for at least ten years. Dale is married to Lynn and they have 2 adult sons, Cole and Trent. He's been at ZPC 33 years less a 6 year hiatus so about 27 years. Dale said yes to being a Deacon with the Young Adult Team because he was looking for a way to serve beyond the Mission Commission Finance Team and being the Shepherd Community Liaison. He was a Cub Master, Boy Scout Assistant, and coached youth soccer and basketball, so being placed on the Young Adult Team was a great fit! His hobbies include, golf, writing, and recently he's taken up fly fishing. Deacons Class of 2025
Kelly and her husband Jordan have been at ZPC since 2017. They have two young boys, Walker and Bodie. When asked about why she chose to be a Deacon, Kelly states, "ZPC has been there for me spiritually and emotionally as I grow in my faith and raise a family, and I hope to make others feel welcomed and find a home at ZPC!" Kelly's hidden talents: Baking cookies, running, and being with my boys! Lucas and his wife Beth have been at ZPC since 2021. They have four children: Emerson, Calvin, Marty, and Roz. Lucas states he chose to serve because "My parents had always served in church leadership when I was growing up. It was clear that when the church body needs something, you should answer that call. I value these opportunities and want to impress the same into my kids. " Lucas's hobbies: I enjoy cooking and learning about culture through food. I also enjoy teaching computer science and math part-time at Marian University. Brad and his wife Maggie have been at ZPC since 2018. They have four daughters: Grace, Hannah, Lydia, and Eve. When asked why he chose to be a deacon, Brad states, "I look forward to using the gifts God has given me to serve ZPC and our community." Brad enjoys construction projects in his free time. Nancy Veazey joined ZPC in March 2023. She moved to Whitestown in August 2022 from Charleston, WV to be closer to family. Her husband David died in 2013. She has two children: Lynn Wooden and Todd Miller and a foster daughter, Trinette Brady. Nancy's Talents: She loves working at the Zionsville Food Pantry, bowling, participating in Lion's Club activities, meeting and helping others. She also used to enjoy ceramics and playing volleyball. She states "I thoroughly enjoy watching my grandkids playing sports and I am very family-oriented!" Melanie and her husband Trent have been attending ZPC since 2019. They have a daughter, Ella. Melanie will be serving with the Community Assistance Ministry. She states, "Being a Deacon is a way to become more involved in a church that has given my family and me a true church home. Being able to give back to that is a true blessing. I am also extremely humbled to be able to assist in our community and spread love." Melanie's hobbies: "I love to bake, blog, and dance! My hidden talent is party planning." Amy Miller and her husband Rex recently became members at ZPC. They have a daughter, Emma, who is a school social worker, living in Chicago; a son, Jack, who works with data, also living in Chicago. Their youngest, Sam, is attending Hope College. Amy's hobbies and hidden talent: "I enjoy outdoor activities, exploring a new city or place, and hanging out with my kids and friends. I am quite accomplished at folding clothes." Abby Perrin and her husband Andrew have been at ZPC since 2014. They have been married for 18 years. They have Sam, who is in high school and Leah, who is in middle school. Deacon (I think my team is congregational connection?) Abby will be serving as a Deacon on the Congregational Connection Team. She says, "I chose to serve in this role because I want to connect with people in our congregation through serving them and supporting them. Abby's hobby: I sew loveys for the babies at my NICU where I work as an RN.Deacons Class of 2026
Judy and her husband Phil have been at ZPC since 1999 when their daughters came to VBS. Their now adult daughters, Kate and Megan, are married and live in Colorado. They also have two grandkids. They have been involved in a ZPC Home Group since 2005 and Judy has been involved with the ZPC Community Assistance Ministry since 2017. Judy states her career as an RN working with surgical patients and dealing with their fears and uncertainties has equipped her well to serve others in her role as deacon. She also states that she loves running errands with her 95 YO mother-in-law, Joanne. Hidden talent: Her ability to get every inch of the usable service of a dishwasher filled! Thomas and his wife, Jess, joined ZPC in July 2023. He is serving on the Young Adults/Fellowship/Apartments Team He chose to serve in this role because God has called me to be the hands and feet of Jesus. I have a heart for loving people, and as a deacon, that’s what I’ll be doing; serving the community with love. Thomas’s hobby is hosting game nights. “I enjoy introducing people to new games that I know they would enjoy, and bringing people together through the fun of games.” Nick grew up at ZPC and he and his wife, Emily, have been coming since 2019. He is serving on the Fellowship / Young Adults / Apartments Ministry He states “I wanted to serve the church as a deacon because I feel like ZPC has been such an important part of my life for so long, and I'd love to give that same gift to as many others as I can. I'm excited to encourage more people to come to ZPC!” Hidden Talent: I have been painting board game and table-top game miniatures for a few years and have really enjoyed learning, practicing, and painting unique miniatures for games! Jackie and her husband, Larry, have been at ZPC since around 2004. They have a daughter, Ashley Henthorn, whose husband is Tom. Their son, Jackson, spends many weekends with the Larews and attends ZPC Bigs. They have a son, Connor, whose wife is Danielle. They have a daughter, Amalia. The Larew’s have a bonus child, Jackie’s nephew Dhani Miller, who is a Freshman at ZCHS and joined the Larew family in 2022 when Jackie’s sister passed away. Jackie states, “I enjoy serving others. As a Deacon I hope to be able to come along side members of our congregation and community to lend a hand, an ear, or maybe even a hug.” She’ll be serving on the Bereavement Team. Jackie’s hobbies: “A favorite hobby of mine is gardening. I grew up on a farm in Iowa. You can take the girl off the farm but you can’t get the dirt out from under her fingernails!” Julie and her husband, Tom, met at ZPC many years ago. Their adult children, Nate and Noah, were baptized at ZPC. They have been back at ZPC since 2022. Julie will be serving on the Shepherding/Welcome Team. She states, “I enjoy engaging with people, and making them feel welcome and involved. I also want to help people find their place of serving or help them connect to a ministry individually or with their family.” Julie’s hobbies are master gardening and baking. Beth and her husband, Jay, have been ZPC members since 2005. They have two adult daughters, Katelyn and Lauren. Beth serves on the Bereavement Team. She says, “I chose to serve as a deacon in order to help others in need in response to God's grace and the many blessings he has given me in my life.” Beth’s Hobbies: “Spending time with family and friends, traveling, and watching Purdue basketball”Deacons Class of 2027
Moderator of the Board of Deacons

Jenni has been at ZPC since 2002, she's married to Scott and they have 4 Kids, college age Emma, high schooler Kellen, and school age twins, Henry and Brody. She chose to serve in this role as she is a "doer," and being a deacon affords her opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus for our congregation and beyond.
Her hidden talent is that she could beat nearly anyone at a hoola-hooping contest (regular hoola-hooping, none of that trick stuff).