
December 17, 2020 | Val Lindenschmidt

About the author: Valerie Lindenschmidt has been attending ZPC for 20+ years. Together she and her husband John have 3 children and one amazing grandson. Val and John are in a ZPC Home Group that they love. Valerie is a non-sitting Elder and has been involved in Mission Commission, Ministry Leadership Development, Personnel Team, and Great Banquet. In addition, she has been meeting with the same women’s small group for 15 years.

This week's scripture: Isaiah 35:1-10

When I began praying about writing a devotion about 15 minutes with God, I came up empty. Quiet time during the holidays? Peace during a pandemic? And write about how I am doing it….hmmm. I am NOT doing a great job of taking time every day for 15 minutes at one time every day. I am getting better as I practice more. I have found that WHEN it works, I begin with the basics.

I took an exercise class in the spring with a great instructor. She began every class with stretching and practicing deep breaths. I mean DEEP breaths. She would say, “Take a deep cleansing breath, now hold it. OK, now do not let it out, but breath in more. Now hold it. Keep holding, keep holding…OK release.” Whew! This was a basic reminder that sometimes we just need to begin by breathing and cleansing our lungs. Amazingly, busy thoughts cleared too. Once that happened, I could concentrate on the class and get a better workout.

When Jerry gave us this challenge, I did not do well. After about a week of poor concentration, I decided to start with the deep breathing exercise before my quiet time. I had my devotion ready and my Bible verse pulled up and started. It worked! The breathing exercise cleared my busy mind, helped sweep away the distractions (think energetic puppy at my feet at 7 am every day) and let me focus on the word. I did not get a full 15 minutes, but I got a good 10. By starting with the basics of breathing, I was able to help clear the clutter between me and God.

I like to start me devotionals by reading the passage 2-3 times, from different translations. I generally read the NIV, The Message, and King James. Next, I read my devotion for the day. After that, I breath deep again and start talking to God. It is so peaceful when I clear the clutter and sink into his words. It has brought a deeper understanding to Joy filling my heart (and lungs). My time with God has gotten fuller and longer.

The words from the chorus of “Mary’s Song” are extra special this year.

Breath of heaven
Hold me together
Be forever near me
Breath of heaven
Breath of heaven
Lighten my darkness
Pour over me your holiness
For you are holy
Breath of heaven
