Listening to the Messenger

December 2, 2021 | Sharon Pierce

About the Author: Sharon Pierce and her husband, Steve, have been members of ZPC for over 25 years; and their four grown, married children were all active in ZPC’s High School Youth Group, Caravan, and the Awakening. Sharon and Steve spend time with their seven young grandchildren; serve as the ZPC Greeters; serve on Great Banquet Teams; and presently Sharon is an Elder. They cherish their Home Group, which has been active for nearly fifteen years!

Today's Scripture:  Malachi 3:1-4

Isn’t it amazing that God can and does speak to us through messengers…and messages?!  This scripture references two messengers who are preparing the way for Jesus, as we await him…John the Baptist and Jesus, himself.

As part of Malachi’s “message,” he also shares with us that just as precious metals, like gold and silver, must be refined to be purified…so must WE, as God’s people, often go through a painful, refining process before we become pure, in his image. 

Did God’s people, centuries ago, LISTEN to his messengers?  Do we, today, listen to HIM and the messages he is sharing with our souls?

Years ago, one of our daughters experienced a horrific trauma. On my knees, I sought God’s discernment in what else Steve and I might do to help her heal. God placed the name of a wonderful, Christian friend on my heart. I approached her, imploring her to disciple our daughter–helping to assure her how deeply she was loved and valued by Christ and by all of us. Initially this friend said she felt she was too busy, but that she would pray about it. God encouraged her to say YES; and because both of us listened to God’s voice, our daughter is, today, a beautiful Christian young woman, wife, mother, and leader. Her pain and trauma, shared in a talk which God asked her to give at the Awakening, brought three High School girls to Christ.  The “refining process” was oh so painful; and yet God used our daughter’s pain to PURIFY AND BULD HIS KINGDOM! 

May we, this Advent Season, seek, listen for, hear, and respond to God’s messages…messages meant just for us! For, because of God’s VOICE and his unending Grace, pain provided our family with the gift of healing and the growth of HIS KINGDOM!


In your Journal, write down a prayer request or two that you have made to God and then write down the message with which he responded. He loves each of us SO MUCH, and is always listening! 


Gracious Heavenly Father, 
Thank You for ALWAYS listening to our fervent prayers. Help us, during this special Season of Advent, to prepare our hearts for the celebration of the birth of your son, the Christ Child, by seeking and listening to your loving voice. May we, each day, refine ourselves to be more like you.
