Remember who you are

March 26, 2020 | Liz Todd

Editor's note

About the author: Liz Todd has been a member of ZPC since 1987. She has served on the Board of Deacons as well as two terms as a ZPC Elder. She has also sung in the ZPC choir since its inception, taught adult Sunday school, and been a part of The Great Banquet. She states "My greatest achievement, of course, is that I accepted the Lord Jesus as my Savior some 42 years ago."

About this post: We want to stay connected! This blog post is part of a series of daily devotionals for this season. Read them, share them, and pray that they bring God's peace and love to our communities. To sign up to receive text notification of these posts, text zpc to 39970. We welcome your comments and questions each day.


This Psalm was a song of ascent for the Israelites as they climbed and looked up toward the temple in Jerusalem for divine help from the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

I love this Psalm! Every verse has a promise and a comfort that is for real and forever.

During this COVID-19 virus thing I believe God intends us to take away some new lessons and remind us of old lessons. God’s people sometimes don’t need to be taught as much as they need to be reminded of what he already has in place.

In hindsight as I look back over many years of loss and heartache I can also track where and when God was there, the places where he lifted me up when I had given up all hope. The nights I just asked him to just hold me. The people he put in my life to encourage and pray for me, the opportunities to serve him when in reality it was God serving me. He used circumstances to grow me, so I in turn would have more compassion and understanding for those he put in my path. I have received many gifts from this awesome God, most of them came by way of a hard path I had to follow but the rewards for making the trek have been amazing. Of course there were times when he just blessed me for no reason at all.

Life is not over yet and this virus is another path we just need to follow by obeying what our government has laid out for us to do, but in the meantime let’s be kind to ourselves and to each other by:

  • Staying in his word each day.
  • Praying as if it all depended on us.
  • Getting outside if possible to walk or kick a ball around with a child or even an adult.
  • Have a really good laugh, tell a joke or play a silly game, watch a funny movie.
  • Keep good eating and sleep habits.
  • Reach out to others by phone, social media, write a letter.
  • Clean up your yard….new life is coming.

And Oh yes, look to the hills from where your help, peace, and comfort comes! Remember who you are and who’s you are!



Father we look to you as our Divine Maker of Heaven and Earth. We realize because of this truth that you are able to also look after us. Sometimes we need you to shake our world so we can see the blessings in our lives after the dust has settled.

We ask for your comforting presence as we deal with the reality of what is happening in every corner of our lives, none of which seems any good at all. We ask and pray that as we look to the hills we would recognize that only you are in charge of all the details. You are allowing the world to come to a full stop and so must we, only then can we run to the only one who can make a difference.

Father we honor you and bow before you as we put these circumstances before your throne of grace.

We pray all this in the strong name of Jesus.

