Nudges from the Holy Spirit

December 14, 2019 | Haley Bechtel

About this post: This blog post is part of a series of daily devotionals where we are exploring Jesus' life through the book of John. To sign up to receive text notification of these posts, text zpcdevo to 39970. We welcome your comments and questions each day.

About the author: Haley and her husband, Adam, have been members at ZPC since the spring of 2018. They have enjoyed deepening their relationship with Jesus and others in the community through involvement with Great Banquet and Home Groups. They are expecting their first child (a son) in March of 2020! 


Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.

This passage in John 14 reminds us of the presence of the Holy Spirit. I believe one of the most prominent ways of experiencing Jesus is through others from the work of the Holy Spirit. To me, the Holy Spirit constantly gives “nudges” – to do what’s right, to comfort the lonely or grieving, to feed the hungry, or to love the seemingly unloved. I believe there are 3 critical steps in following where the Holy Spirit is guiding you... 

  1. Take time to listen. With all the distractions (Christmas shopping for one!), it takes dedication to set aside time each day to be quiet, turn off electronics, be still, pray, and listen. As an entrepreneur, dog mom, wife, daughter, and mom-to-be, I understand it isn’t easy to “find time.” However, I think this advent devotional is a perfect place to start. 
  2. Accept. Sometimes the Holy Spirit won’t place something on your heart in the time of quiet/still (referenced in step 1), most of the time for me it’s throughout the day. Often it’s through people that cross our paths. Praying and being still prepares your heart to see, hear, and be attentive to those around you - through the work of the Holy Spirit. You have to be ready to accept that “nudge” whenever and wherever it may present itself. It could be through the person delivering your online orders, maybe it’s the person checking you in for a doctor’s appointment, the worker at the post office, the person cleaning your house, a coworker, a neighbor, a family member, a friend. All of these people are his children and walking a different path. Why did God plan for this person to cross paths with you today? Accept the “nudge” to learn from them, listen to them, and be attentive. Don’t fall into the trap of the rushed holiday hustle and bustle.
  3. Act. This is where the beauty and light of Jesus truly shines! Your heart is prepared and still. You’ve listened and paid attention to those in your life. 

Now if you’re anything like me, you may fall into a trap of fear. Fear that the person won’t want help, that you’ll offend someone, or (for me currently) fear of writing a devotional. 

BUT... John 14:20 reminds us: On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.

Doesn’t that give you a boost of confidence needed to act? Be bold, be generous, be loving, be kind, do not be afraid, step out and help. Let Jesus and the Holy Spirit act through you. Be his hands and feet. What a beautiful world we would live in if we all embraced this daily!


Heavenly Father,
Thank you for your son Jesus and the Holy Spirit. I pray that today and in all of my days, you give me the strength and courage to act on your behalf here on earth. Please help me see and hear as you would, so I may shine your light to those around me. 
