Meet ZPC's New Worship Director!
September 18, 2015 | Sally Bias
We are excited to Introduce Don Nieman, ZPC’s Next Director of Worship! Since Jon Graybeal felt called to step into a new role as the director of high school ministry, ZPC has been in the process of looking for our new worship...
Hidden Pictures App
September 7, 2015 | Calvin Bryant
Parents need to be aware of a fairly new app that is popping up on student's iPhones and iPod devices. The app is called Calculator% (only for Apple devices, not available through Android) and is basically...
Students in Need
August 31, 2015 | Calvin Bryant
According to a study done last year, one in every 10 students has considered harming themselves at some point in their life. With recent news headlines discussing people who cut off limbs because they are...
Best Buddy
August 24, 2015 | Calvin Bryant
Who would your student pick if they had to choose one same-gender person as their absolute, without-a-doubt, can-always-turn-to-you, best friend? Does your student know who they would pick? Would you...
Social Media Encouragment
June 15, 2015 | Calvin Bryant
And now that last week we posted about a way to “monitor” things students are doing within social media and their phones, this week is about the complete opposite. Despite many of the negative...